Yes, I too would bet it is an expensive collectors item.

I think they were chrome plated brass. And, that one is the special long leader template for the 250 (500) exposure Reporter cameras (remember LTM cameras did not have removable backs, so you had to buy a special camera, not just a back to use those 15ft rolls of film.


frank theriault wrote:

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 16:18:26 -0700, Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I used to own a iiic, and yes, it's a film leader trimming template. Who
else but Leica would have the guts to design a camera where you had to trim
your own leader to shape before you could wind it in the camera....
Jawohl! They vant to use a Leica, they do it OUR way."

Yeah.  And then make the damned thing outta brushed aluminium, no
doubt handcrafted by artisans in Wetzlar or Solm.  I bet the template
alone would fetch about $500 on eBay <vbg>


-- graywolf

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