Fellow Pentaxians,

The first fruits of my photo documentary project on
drag racing are up on the Fixing Shadows website:


Click on Gallery, then on my name under What's New.

Click on the thumbnails to get the large images and on
the large images to move through the sequence.

Comments welcomed, on or off the list.

My workhorses for this project have been two ME Super
bodies.  I don't have to tell you what brilliant
reportage cameras these gems are.  Small, relatively
quiet, unobtrusive, with very reliable metering.

Most importantly, of course, they mount those gorgeous
Pentax manual focus lenses.  In this case, a 35/2 M, a
50/1.4 A, and an 85/2 M.

A good 70% of the images on the site were made with
the ME.  The rest with a Leica M2 (with a 35 and 50)
and, as the sharp-eyed among you will notice, ultra
high-end Chinese medium format equipment.


PS  If you're feeling lazy, just click on the link in
my sig.  But then you'd miss the other fine work on
the Fixing Shadows site.

J Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
>>New! Democracy of Speed, a Photo Documentary Project:

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