On 5/9/04, Dr. Heiko Hamann, discombobulated, unleashed:

>>>What's going on, Cotty? Going to jump back onto the good old HMS Pentax?
>> Don't be silly.
>Come on - it's not too late for a therapy...

I did consider it...for about 2 seconds. If I thought Pentax were going
to release a Papa D, then I might (that was 1 second) but then again, no
IS (that was the other second).

>Cheers, Heiko
>BTW - it's hot in Germany, too. And I don't have a fan...

Actually I have two more fans - they're both sat looking at me waiting
for food. They have big eyes, big ears, furry faces and they are called
Opti and Mistic :-)


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