
> Here's a suggestion that might help you achieve better or more interesting
> composition: watch movies.  Watch them on a DVD player ideally.  Watch them

I'm with Shel on this one. A recent film which I think was beautifully
photographed is 'Mystic River'. It isn't 'in yer face' beautiful.
Instead it's subtle, and muted and very underplayed, but a great

Others I recommend to people are 'The Sheltering Sky', directed by
Bertolucci with cinematography by Storaro - in fact, anything where
Storaro was the cinematographer is superb, and anything by Bertolucci
is also beautifully photographed (they work together a lot).

A great favourite of mine from the 1970s is 'The Duellists', the first
feature film by Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Alien, Hannibal, ...). The
cinematography in that one is really exceptional.

The list could go on and on. I'm always very conscious of the
cinematography when I watch a movie, and always looking for ideas to


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