On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 20:21:29 +0200, Jens Bladt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It has been a very nice day. Me and my colleague made a lot of photographs
> in the air above our small town - Koge.
> The pilot was a very nice guy - he makes his living from flying with
> photographers -  in his very nice, black photographers helicopter; a
> Colibri - doing stills and movies.
> From time to time he is shooting 16mm film himself. So he knew exactly how
> ansd wher to fly/stayin the air to get just the right shots. We had brought
> a map showing the exact positions, we wanted to be photograph from (X,Y and
> Z coordinates). He even knew where to go, if I changed from a 50mm to a 80mm
> on my Pentacon Six. A great help!
> Take a look!
> These shots were made with my *ist D:
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7414125.html
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7414126.html
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7414127.html
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7414128.html
> http://gallery46369.fotopic.net/p7414129.html
> The Six MP *ist D is not quite enouhg for aerial photography - that is to
> use for drawings in the project involvoing a 40 ha extention to our harbour.
> So, I brought a 6x6 Pentacon Six loaded with Velvia 100F. I hope they'll
> come out right!

Pretty cool shots, Jens!

It must have been a pretty interesting excursion.  I don't know about
flying around in black helicopters, though.  All the local UFO
conspiracy theorists must have been going nuts seeing that thing
hovering around all day.  <vbg>

The shot of the harbour showing what looks like silt in the water is
pretty neat:


Are all (or most) of the roofs red because they're covered with red
tile or shingles?  Is that a local thing, or is it everywhere in

Again, I enjoyed looking at the photos.  It would be nice to see the
medium format ones when they're ready.


"It's about time we started to take photography seriously and treat it
as a hobby." -Eliott Erwitt

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