On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 18:54:52 -0700, Bruce Dayton
> It does seem like a shot that I would see in a train museum or
> something.  Kind of showing what it used to be like.  The lack of
> punch to the photo kind of gives the impression that it is old and
> represents something in the past.

Thanks, Bruce.

I think we did our last redesign of streetcars back in the 70's.  The
ones like in the photo aren't seen on the streets anymore, at least
not for commuter use.  They can actually be rented for parties or
special corporate functions, so I guess that's why the older ones are
still hanging around the yards.

Every so often one sees street cars of this vintage (I suspect it's
from the 50's or 60's) or sometimes an even older one from the 40's,
zipping around town.  That would be an interesting way to get to a

Thanks for your comments - glad you enjoyed it.


"It's about time we started to take photography seriously and treat it
as a hobby." -Eliott Erwitt

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