So while my ist D's been away being looked at for AF inaccuracy, I found
someone else on the dpreview forums (same camera, same lens- Sigma EX 28-70
2.8 DF, same country!) in my shoes! What are the chances. So we talked on
the phone for a bit trying to figure out what to do next, and came to the
conclusion it was now in the hands of CR Kennedy for now..

Here's the post:

At first he thought it was just the one lens, but it appears he's found
focusing problems with some other Sigma lenses too. Now, realising that this
could turn into a bag out Sigma fest, I must add, though, that my 28-70 2.8
has been giving nothing less than outstanding performance on my film body.

Anyway, here's the thread:

and here are the tests (Sigma 28-70 2.8 DF, 105 2.8 Macro, 50 2.8 Macro,
70-300 4-5.6 Apo Macro super):

Anyone else have time to test ( Tim Jackson's focusing
test chart) couple of Pentax and Sigma lenses for a bigger sample?


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