While Paul's original "fondler" comment irked me, I also understood what
was being referenced.  There are "fondlers" of all camera brands ... as
well as other objects.  What irked me the most were comments by Cotty,
greywolf (sorry, your names come to mind most readily), and some others,
who seemed to be judgmental and critical of Juan's preference for taping
his PENTAX, and then of some Leica photogs for taping their cameras.  These
are the same people who customize their gear, or maybe put fancy wheels on
their cars, or perhaps buy expensive sun glasses, etc.  IIRC, one of these
folks critical of those putting tape over the Leica red dot had at one time
complained about the red Pentax logo strap, and noted that he used the
strap in such a way that the logo didn't show.  WTF difference is there
between that act and a piece of tape over a red dot?  BTW, as a
parenthetical aside, Leica made a black dot for a while.  Many people did
not/do not care for that red dot at all!

Many of us modify our gear so it suits us better, or makes it more
enjoyable for us to use.  We've been doing things like that since we were
kids, sticking cards in the spokes of our bicycles, or putting streamers on
the handlebars, or bedecking them with reflectors or decals.  How many here
have something in or on their car that has modified it from stock?  We wear
clothes that make a statement as to who we are ... some prefer a subdued
look, others something with more flair and color.  Some here have tattoos,
others would never consider such decoration.  It's all personal preference.

Photo.net, as Paul mentioned, is but one small segment of the Leica
population on the internet.  The LUG, the LEG, the Leica forum where we
sometimes post, and even the Pentax list, are filled with many other Leica
users who are not collectors or pretenders, but, as you've said, serious
photographers, whether amateur or pro, and no one seems to complain about
the quality of their photographs being diminished by their use of tape to
cover the red dot or not (Ohh, this photo would have been so much better
had that red dot been / not been taped over).  I seem to recall one Leica
user on this list having recently posted a pic of his old  M with quite a
bit of tape on it.  Got a few Ooohs and Ahhs from list members.

There are always going to be users with different preferences.  Some take
pride in how beat up their cameras are, others love the new look and feel,
and some want nothing more than to make their cameras more of a personal
statement to get full enjoyment from them.  Look, when you spend as much as
we do for our gear, and photograph in remarkably dissimilar situations,
it's quite understandable to want your camera to reflect your taste and
perhaps be modified to better suit its use.

Juan rejoined the list, and shared with us that he'd gotten an istd in an
open and friendly way, only to have his decision to tape the logo
criticized by Cotty, whether tongue in cheek or not.  The result of that
post got others, like lemmings, to offer their reasons why those who choose
to use tape are pretentious or fondlers, or just plain nuts.  What a fine,
welcoming greeting from those who claim this is a friendly, warm, and
welcoming list. FEH!  Maybe there should be some tape placed over the
mouths of some list members ... maybe even mine <LOL>.

OK, I'm done.  No more from me on this subject.

"People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life." 

> [Original Message]
> From: frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 9/13/2004 7:42:42 AM
> Subject: Re: black cloaking tape (was: Re: istD in style)
> On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 14:22:19 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've spent quite a bit of time on PhotoNets Leica forum, and I still go
there occasionally. There's a certain breed of Leica owner that is
frequently seen at that site that tends to raise my hackles. "Fondler" is
perhaps the wrong term because it does imply that I'm talking about serious
collectors. "Pretender" would perhaps be a better word. The Leica owners
that irritate me are those who are totally ignorant about photography but
love to be seen with a Leica hanging around their neck. They assume that
the camera will make them a great photographer, but that's not their real
purpose. Being seen with the Leica is their purpose. They black tape it to
show that they're part of the cognoscenti: real Leica photographers. They
even hold endless debates about the proper method of disguising the red
dot. A lot of the real Leica photographers have left that list, and I
rarely go there anymore.
> > 
> > But you're right. Leias are great, and I love them. I just hate to see
them abused by a loud and mindless minority. But I won't mention it again.
> Hey, Paul,
> You can mention it again if you want.  You know why?  Because you're a
> grandfather, and your entitled, damn it!!  <vbg>
> Seriously, I've not been on the Photo.net Leica Forum, so I've no
> experieince with the folks there.  I'm sure that there are those who
> are the way you describe them, and I would likely have the same
> reaction of frustration as you do.

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