Nice shot, Frank. Kids are cool. You will love PhotoShop one you've had time to play with it. It's a great toy for grownups.
On Sep 15, 2004, at 7:39 PM, frank theriault wrote:

This was actually taken several years ago, with Wendy Beard's MX and
her 40mm Pancake.  She unselfishly lent the combo to me when I
mentioned on list that I'd like to try an MX.  The rest, as they say,
is history.

I've also decided to install Photoshop today, and this is my first
attempt at doing anything with it - it sure is different from anything
else I've tried, but it's obviously much more powerful as well.
Better get one of those "Photoshop for Dummies" books at the

Anyway, I don't know these kids (as you guessed from the title), but I
thought they were cute (as you may have also guessed...):

I always encourage and enjoy comments.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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