On 16/9/04, Jens Bladt, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Great job, Cotty - I am glad that I could inspire you...
>I haven't been hiding this photograph - I have actually posted a messages
>about thi vertical shot.

Glad you took it in good humour Jens. Thanx

>So, I humbly admit to being part of this project, as this photograph is
>originally captured by me on my Pentax *istD #5774808, yesterday afternoone.
>I would, however, have prefered a more positive theme for this magazine
>cover - like, the excellence of the first Pentax DSLR - or whatever.

Yeah, well..... If I start poking fun at Pentax it might ruffle a few

>I have discovered small spots, located at the same places on each image -
>that is CCD dust. I think I have removed it with a rubber air-blower. IS it
>OK to believe it's gone, since I took a flash photograph of my white cieling
>with a flash and don't see any spots? Or would they be visible in less
>light - e.i. a blue sky??

I have found a nice blue sky as the perfect giveaway for dust....

>And - to remove any doubts - the spots on my Rainbow Surfers - are really
>birds - no dust!

But of course my dear fellow ;-)


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