How would the "simple calculation" to estimate the aperture work? And what would be the advantage of the method over the *ist-D's current support for pre-A-series lenses?


Gonz wrote:
I proposed this deep in another thread, but the idea might be feasible as a firmware fix. All you photo wizards out there please shoot holes in this:

What might be nice is if they had a "smart" AE mode for K & M lenses.

> The way this might work would be that setting the camera to AE mode > would allow you to press the green button to get a meter reading > AND to estimate the aperture setting you are using by doing a simple > calculation, it would continue to use this saved aperture setting > until you pressed the green button again, which you would need > to do if you manually changed the aperture. This way, it could > theoretically meter with the aperture wide open using the estimated

aperture setting plus the current light reading and set the speed

> accordingly, even if the light changed. Of course the AV wheel > would be meaningless in this mode. How bout it Pentax?

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