
> Fourth reason for McD: public toilets ;-) Although they now charge for it
> (KFC doesn't, yet), and using a local toilet can be a nice cultural
> experience.

At the Ras Hotel in Addis Ababa the toilets are fully equipped with
porcelain and running water, which makes them something of a rarity in
the country.

But they ration the toilet paper.

An old woman sits on a stool (3-legged wooden variety, I rush to add!)
outside the cubicle and gives you your ration of 3 sheets as you enter.
Woe betide you if your stomach is not used to Africa - you won't get any
more paper.

When I was last there they didn't have any McDonalds, I'm glad to say.
But they did have a distinctly grotty McDonal's. They have a sense of
humour too. No Hard Rock Cafe, but there is a Hard Luck Cafe.


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