At 4:54 PM +1000 9/19/04, John Coyle wrote:
Steve, that button only works with KAF2-mount cameras. Quoting from the lens manual:

"FA Zoom lens features the following capabilities.
(1) Image Size Tracking
(2) Zoom Clip
(3) Zoom Effect
The Auto Zoom switch and Zoom set button are used to select and set the Auto Zoom function: the Auto Zoom switch has following three positions:
P (Power Zoom) = set to this position when using the Power Zoom function.
A (Auto Zoom) = set to this position when using the Auto Zoom function
AS (Auto Zoom Set) = set to this position when selecting the type of Auto Zoom function."

Hey, cool! I asked the sales lady if it could be something to do with power zoom and she said that it was not a power zoom lens!

I never found I could get it to work on my MZ5, and the detailed instructions are in the camera manual, I believe.

I just checked the manual for my ZX5n, tried it and away it went! What a fun gimmick!

Thanks again!


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