Some things you may not know about William:

1. William’s not a megalomaniac, woman-hating, wife-beating, communist pinko subversive that uses the Walmart photo lab to disguise his real profession as a mole.

2. William is, however, very excitable at moments. Great jig Bill!

3. Believe it or not, William’s kind to small animals.

4. Maybe too kind.

5. I don’t know why William took this shot. I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

6. Margaritas aren’t William’s usual drink of choice (he thought I was paying though). The service in this restaurant was abysmal (food was decent). At this point he had just expressed a typical Canadian desire to solve the slow service problem with a chainsaw. We engaged in a lengthy discussion regarding problem solving and chainsaws, during which my heretofore innocent son was totally corrupted. William practically had me convinced that any of life’s problems could indeed be solved with a chainsaw or parts thereof, when dinner arrived. Note the FA 31mm F1.8 AL Limited on his *ist D. I unsuccessfully tried to relieve him of that problem. After further contemplation, I think William’s onto something.

7. William’s not from Earth. The mother ship is coming in for a landing right behind him. I think he’s been recalled. Note the implanted tracking device under the skin on his left hand.

8. William lurks around the ladies room with a camera. See the “Who ME? expression on his face.

9. William bravely discusses a personal problem with Linda.

10. William closes his eyes when hugging or kissing. A true romantic. Hey that’s mine!

11. However, William is not very discriminating with his kisses, but he’s smart enough to realize it and cover it up (photo by William). He only sent me this crumby low-res bitmap image.

Be sure not to miss the continuing saga (a prequel for the most part) in the Robb-Cakalic Expedition Book 2, coming sometime soon.

All thumbnails from Book 1.

Tom C.

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