What direction is the sail boat moving?  I tried
shooting a river boat on the Mississippi River
with my 4x5 several years ago and I believe it
was blurred at 1/30 sec.  I looked at some of my
4x5 transparancies (static poses) and just love
their detail!

John B

--- "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can and do static as well, I didn't state the
> obvious.
> Thing is, other than extreme panoramics wider
> than the
> widest lenses available ( which the scope of
> this discussion
> has NOT been limited to), what types of high
> res photography can you
> possibly
> do with the small format pan and stitch
> technique that someone cant do
> with normal LF? 
> Regarding the seascapes,
> Exactly how are you going to do 16 to 25
> exposures of
> a large sail boat that is moving slowy the way
> I can
> with a single LF exposure at say 1/30 of a
> second total
> exposure? I say my theory is right and your
> practical
> application is pure B.S.   I can get a nice hi
> res LF shot, with
> pan and stitch you DON'T GET that type of shot
> at all.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Robb
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 7:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Even more compatibility issues
> again! (WAS: RE: istDs -
> what a great camera!)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "J. C. O'Connell"
> Subject: RE: Even more compatibility issues
> again! (WAS: RE: istDs -
> what a great camera!)
> > What a load of BS. I just explained to you
> how I use LF
> > to do seascapes with boats and why pan and
> stitch wont
> > work and you tell me I have no experience?
> You memory
> > isnt very good. I don't need to waste my time
> doing things
> > I know wont work. I'd rather actually being
> doing things
> > that do work. I don't need to buy a DSLR to
> know I cant
> > do moving objects or fleeting subjects with
> the pan and stitch 
> > technique.
> Well, if thats all you do with your view
> camera, I would dare say that
> you are severely limited in your picture
> taking. We've had similar
> discussions in the past about what will and
> what won't work, and have
> been on opposite sides of the fence, your
> theory saying no, that won't
> work, my practical experience saying yes it
> will.
> William Robb

John Bailey `:^)

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