I've had fairly good luck with the AF 400T as well. I generally minus the exposure comp a bit as you've indicated. I always use a sof'shoulder or omnibounce.
On Oct 16, 2004, at 12:36 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

I actually have reasonable luck with it when using the AF400T big
flash.  Set the camera to ISO 400, set the flash to TTL, set the
camera exposure comp to about -2 and take a few test shots to see if
my exposure comp is ok.  Also, shoot in Raw - buys you more latitude
for the shots that are still off.

Using C1 raw converter, correcting the over/under exposure on the
whole batch is a snap.  This setup is used mainly for weddings - ymmv


Saturday, October 16, 2004, 8:22:39 AM, you wrote:

WR> ----- Original Message ----- WR> From: "Don Sanderson" WR> Subject: *ist-D TTL Flash with M Lenses?

Has anyone played with this enough to figure it out?

WR> Yes.
WR> I set the camera at 400 and pray.
WR> TTL flash control has never been one of Pentax's strong points, and
WR> the TTL on the istD is one of the worst implementations of technology
WR> that I have ever had the displeasure of having to tolerate.
WR> In a nutshell, it doesn't work.
WR> Period.

WR> I have posted a series of shots at:

WR> http://users.accesscomm.ca/wrobb/PDMLtemp/

WR> All 4 shots were done within a minute of each other on programTTL
WR> mode with the 31mm lens, using a Metz 60 series flash.
WR> The range was around 10-15 feet.

WR> This is typical performance for this camera's TTL flash non control.

WR> William Robb

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