On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 12:40:07 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>          Just did a lunch hour look at two Canadian sites,Visteck and Mc Bain
> Visteck(Toronto Ontario) is selling a combo istD and DA 16-45 for $2599 Can.,plus 
> McBain(various stores in Alberta) has the body on for $1699 and the DA 16-45 for 
> $699,BUT,
> no PST
> just the 7% GST.
> Save about $420 via McBain's.
> No i dont work for either store, just thought i'd pass that on.
> Dave Brooks


Just checked at Adorama, and the *istD is just over $1400.  That's not
too far off of 80% of McBains' price.  And, as of this week, our
Loonie (that's a Canadian dollar, since there's a pic of a Loon on it)
is about 80 cents to the US dollar.  So, McBains' price for the body
alone is certainly competitive.  Plus, shipping would be less (maybe)
and there wouldn't be that pesky customs and duty thing at the border
(which would really add up on something worth that much...).


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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