When I ordered my *ist D about a year ago the refrigerator was well stocked with some very high quality film. I thought I would use it. A year later those same rolls are still there. I now realize that I may never use them. It is time for them to go to a home where they will better appreciated.

Some are approaching or a bit past expiration. All have been refrigerated since I got them.

Here's what I've got (all 36 exposure rolls):

2 Agfa Ultra 100. Exp 12/04.
2 Kodak Portra 400 UC (now Kodak Ultra 400, I think). Exp 8/04.
11 Kodak Ektachrome E100G. (This is Kodak's new, fine-grained Ektachrome, competing with Provia 100F.) Exp 9/05.
1 Kodak Ektachrome E100GX (a warm version of E100G). Exp. 7/05.
3 Fuji Reala 100. Exp 8/04.
3 Fuji Provia 400F. Exp 5/04.
3 Kodak E100VS. Exp 8/04.
4 Fuji Velvia 100F. (I don't have an expiration date, but they were bought summer 2003, as soon as my local supplier got it in).

These were brought up together and should go to the same home. The lot -- 29 rolls -- for $90, plus shipping. That's $3.10 a roll. Check comparative prices anywhere.

I'm gonna miss these kids. I never did try the E100GX, nor Astia 100F. In some ways I regret digital.

E-mail me off list if interested:

jtainter at mindspring dot com

First come...well you know.


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