My friend Garth is an actor. He recently paid a portrait photographer for
some "casual" shots, and apparently they were awful, and Garth and his agent
thought the shots were unusable. They were looking for a photo that will go
onto a comp card, a postcard-sized card that will get sent out to casting
agents. Garth asked me and Nate for help, so we spent a couple of days last
weekend shooting him. Here are the best of my photos:

All of these were done with the *istD and the Tamron 90mm macro. I haven't
done much processing with these, and there are a few shots where it's
obvious that they should have been cropped or rotated or airbrushed, but I'd
like to get some opinions on these since I'm pretty new to shooting people.

Garth paid us in pizza for these shots. Next week we're taking shots of a
musician friend for her website, and in exchange, she's baking us something
with chocolate and making us dinner. :)


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