Well, John, it's time for another aspirin .... too many graphs and charts
and logs of this and that.  However, one paragraph stood out amongst all
the techo talk:

        "Before I go any further I should point out that 
        this test is only going to produce a theoretical 
        result.  Since I am testing film, the dynamic range
         that I will be calculating will be much higher than 
        any figure normally quoted for film because very 
        small changes will be detected. At some point 
        these changes will become irrelevant to the 
        appearance of the image but since this is a subjective 
        judgement I'm going to leave it at the calculated value 
        for now.  I'll return to the subjective arguments later."


> From: J. C. O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: USAF target and resolution tests
> Here is a good page by a guy who ran tests.
> http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~bernardk/tutorials/360/technical/hdri/
> He puts the dymanic range of reala color
> film at about 15 stops. So that is
> dramatically better than 11 you state

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