On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:38 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

Wow, no wonder you guys still shoot film, a Fuji Velvia 50 135-36 RVP 5pack
here costs AUD$99.69 (~US$76.60) from one of the cheapest professional film
retailers :-(

I worked out a while ago that 35mm slide film costs me about NZ$1 per shot including processing (develop & sleeve). Neg film is cheaper but when I add a set of 6x4 proofs it works out about the same as for slides.

6x7 costs about $2 a shot which is pretty good value considering each 6x7 frame is about 4x the area of a 35mm frame. 4x5 inch slides cost $11 a shot which is why I never bothered with large format even though I've always wanted to try it.


- Dave


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