William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Shel Belinkoff" Subject: Re: I just ordered myself a *ist DS with DA18-55 lens.

OK ... your points are valid, to a point. As a user who has not sunk any
money into CF cards, and a minimal amount into a few memory sticks, I'm not
wedded to the CF concept, although, admittedly, I kind of like CF cards.
However, one reason I like them is because they had/have the largest
capacity and many purchasing options. But, since SD is increasing
capacity, and the price is coming down,as a new user there seems to be
little benefit to using CF. IOW, I see them as about the same, both suited
to their purpose. For someone who has a lot invested in CF, I can
certainly understand their preference.

The problem as I see it is that either way, they are going to irritate their customers (not that Pentax ever seems concerned about that).
If this is the start of a trend, and they continue it into a new high spec camera, they irritate present istD users who want to upgrade.
If it is not the start of a trend, and they put out a high spec camera that uses CF cards, they irritate the istDS user who is looking for an upgrade path.

As for the comment about CF getting phased out, ultimately to be followed
by the phasing out of SD cards, well, that's what you get when you go
digital. The cameras, and all else associated with them, are a product
designed to promote obsolescence.

Oh damn! I missed that prediction! Get rid of CF and SD, whither next?
And why would those cards go anyhow?
Having missed the statement, maybe I also missed the rationale...if there was any.

At some point, enough people will just say fuck you to the manufacturers and boycott new purchases until the companies that deliberately obsolesce support equipment pull their heads out of their asses.

Film shooters have had a capture format standard (35mm film cartridges) for almost 80 years.
I think digital shooters should be demanding the same respect.

William Robb

Actually, what you mean is, 35mm format won out over all the dozen or other film sizes attempted over the years.
The same thing will likely happen to digital cameras. I imagine we'll end up with two sizes in the end.
While I suspect 35mm film is overwhelmingly dominant, you still CAN get 120 film here and there.
What will win out?
It looks like CF at the moment, maybe SD will be the second?
I don't know how xD or SmartMedia is progressing.

My little Optio S4 uses SD/MMC. At least that's one commitment for Pentax... <g>

keith whaley

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