Hope I'm not breaking some auction disclosure rule here, but have a look at this one: http://cgi.ebay.nl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=30070&item=3852615056&rd=1&ssPageName=WD2V
, a fast (f/2.8) Tamron with adapt-all mount and novoflex focusing grip. Might be an interesting option; fast enough to add a teleconverter if needed.

I do agree with others who mentioned a 300 mm is rather short for bird photography. It might suffice if you limit yourself to birds without shyness issues (gulls are great), or have access to a good hide. But on hiking trips with a major serendipity factor I find that I basically constantly have to leave my 1.7 x converter on my novoflex 600 mm in order to get half-decent shots. But then again I mainly do birds of prey, which tend to stay as far away as possible.


At 07:15 17/11/04, you wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amita Guha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:50 PM
Subject: seeking recommendations for a good 300mm prime

> I had a chance to shoot some birds on Cape Cod last week, and - surprise! - > my old Sigma 70-300mm was just as crappy at bird shots as it was the last > time I tried it. ;) So I decided to come home and just run down to B&H and > buy the FA 300mm f/4.5. But now I can't find it on the website at all. It's > not even listed as backordered; it's just not there. Does anyone know if > this lens is being discontinued? And if it is, does anyone have one they'd > like to sell me? :) > > Failing that, can anyone recommend a good third-party lens? I just want a > reasonably fast lens that I can hike with and that has some nice contrast. > An f/4.5 would be fine. > > Does anyone know what the deal is with Pentax? There are a couple of other > lenses I'm interested in that aren't available. Are they slowing down > production or shifting everything over to consumer digicams? > > Amita >


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