Keith Whaley wrote:

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Blakely"

Subject: Re: OT Paranoia and stupid legislation is reserved for the US only :-(

How can anyone doing anything in public and on public property be considered to have any expectation of any kind of privacy extending yards or even feet from their person? Would this also extend to an oil artist painting the... ah... scene?

Why do people think they can do as they please in public and forbid others from doing as others please in public? Doesn't anyone accept responsibility for what they do down there? Don't folks understand that to preserve their own liberties, they must be tolerant of others liberties lest they be subject to restrictions of their own liberty in the future?

Frivolous litigation is rampant in the world, and I think the USA has to take credit for starting the trend.

I suspect you're right. One causitive factor is our archaeic and onerous tort laws, which need total revamping.
Also, we have more attorneys than dog catchers and dentists and plumbers combined.
The Los Angeles phone book's yellow pages' Attorneys section has more pages than many small town's entire phone book!
Just think of all those new graduates sitting around, with little if anything to do with their free time but to think of new ways to sue ~ Ooops, I mean screw ~ No, I mean litigate ~ people.

keith whaley

Gotta, disagree with you Keith, it's not the tort laws that are the problem, it's the fact that Judges are either unable or unwilling to act as gate keepers. It's up to the Judge to decide if a case is even worth taking to trial. I hate to think of the number of times I've heard of a case and just wondered how it ever came to trial, that the Judge didn't say to the lawyer, "Not in my court bucko."

What this is, is the legislative version of it.
We were discussing it a while back, as an aside, with banning certain breeds of dogs.
The principle is the same.

William Robb

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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