If the DS was $700 it would be a clear winner, but at this price D70 looks 
better to me.
Maybe the price will go down soon.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sylwester Pietrzyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: D70 vs DS

> David Zaninovic wrote on 19.11.04 16:18:
> > D70 body is $899 at the Wolf Camera.
> > I wonder how does D70 compare to the DS considering that it is at the same
> > price.
> D70 has much more advanced photographer-oriented features than Ds. Other
> main differencies below.
> >  Are the Nikon autofocus lenses really that much
> > more expensive than Pentax ?
> I don't think so, especially better ones. For instance you can have used
> Nikkor 80-200/2.8 for about 400 USD. SMC-FA* will be at least 2x more
> expensive used :-(
> >  What about third party lenses, is there a
> > difference in price between third party lens for Nikon and
> > for Pentax ?, 
> No, they should be priced the same, just in case of some of better Sigma
> lenses you'll get HSM (ultrasonic) AF drive in Nikon mount for the same
> price as in Pentax mount.
> > The only problem with D70 is small viewfinder, can this be fixed somehow ?
> I don't think so. VF in D70 is noticably smaller than the one in *istD (and
> Ds) but on the other hand it is much brighter and allows displaying of grid
> lines on demand without need for buying separate focusing screen.
> Both are good choice depending on what you expect from the camera. If you
> have a lot of Pentax glass - it makes sense to buy *istDs. If you need big
> VF - then get *istDs. If you want very small body - get *istDs. In all other
> instances I would suggest D70 as the one having more advanced photographic
> features, bigger choice of quality lenses (with optional ultrasonic AF drive
> and image stabilisation - VR), nicely dumped and quieter mirror, direct and
> much easier access to many settings (like ISO, WB and quality) and better
> AF. The last feature was the reason that pushed me to change to dark side
> and buy D70 instead of *istD that I owned for 8 months. I don't regret it at
> all. Image quality from both is quite similar - D70 delivers sharper images
> straight from camera due to quite weak AA filter, but it is prone to moire
> effect (in my praktice it happens once for about 500 photos). HTH.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Sylwek

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