I suspect most repair shops do not have "all" the instruments required to do a complete check. Last year I had my MX repaired by 2 seem-to-be reputable service centers in Vancouver, one did not do anything but trying to convince me the camera was fixed, the other screwed up the mirror assembly. I contacted a repair shop in the east coast and the guy was an experienced Pentax technican in HK. He told me straight he could not fix it because only Pentax in Toronto has the instruments to calibrate the MX prism properly. Now I am relundent to trade any used cameras simply because I have found no service centre I can trust. I miss the Camera Clinic back in Melbourne a lot. They always fixed my cameras well.

Alan Chan

Prior to joining this list,and in a non thinking mode day, i tried to field clean some
dust gunk, what have
you off my K1000 mirror. I used a lint free lens cloth bought at a local store and tried
to rub off the
offending particals. I did use SOME pressure on the mirror. I have always been a bit
worried i have
done some focus damage to the camera. It should go in for a CLA anyway(one of my film
cameras,so its a bit dirty)and was wondering if most repair shops had equipment to check
mf cameras
for focus accuracy. Its still a great working camera but i just can't help wondering.
Or will the responce be shoot a roll and see if its in focus.<g>


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