Thanks for the clarification.
I'm looking for a RAW convertor ( better than the Pentax supplied plug in)
that will work with Windows 98 SE. I have access to the Nikon Raw convertor.

As far as white balance is concerned, I shoot all my stuff outdoors in jpeg.
and have been having good results with WB set to auto. I do balance
correction in PS 7.0.

Kenneth Waller
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone shoot hockey with their digital?

>           > You're implying that Nikon Capture will process RAW
> from the *ist D?
> >
> > Kenneth Waller
> No.
> I just mentioned the istD and my D2h can handle preset WB and i was just
wondering what
> people were
> using for the preset,(ice,lights,towel as per WW)be it the nikon or
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Dave

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