Hello Paul
Looking at the posted link I saw that an application called The File Browser
Since I'm looking for a Thumb Nail and database application for the people
at work, I wonder if this is stand-alone application?
Or does it work as a Photoshop plug-in only. Will it work as a plug-in for
Photoshop Elements 2.0 or 3.0?

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 25. november 2004 17:46
Emne: Phun with Photoshop RAW Converter

George gave us the url for some adobe white papers these other day.
They explain the browser and the CS RAW converter in considerable
detail. I found these to be very valuable and an interesting read. I
don't agree with everything the author says, but it's very informative.
(For example, with Pentax RAW, I think some sharpening in the converter
is almost always a plus.) Thanks for the tip, George. The docs are at

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