Hey, no picking on Rebekah. It's no worse than the "brotherhood." What the heck happened to the brotherhood anyway? Death by digital? <vbg>.
(A former -- or at least dormant -- brotherhood brother)
On Nov 28, 2004, at 1:33 PM, Cotty wrote:

On 28/11/04, Rebekah Gonzalez, discombobulated, unleashed:

Hey you guys, just thought I would toss out one my random and rather
infrequent posts, have fun :o)

Just for starters, so you know what I am talking about, in the movie The
Last Samurai, Japan is going through its industrial revolution but the
Samurai think it is a bad idea to have so much technology because everyone
is forsaking the old traditional values of honor.

Therefore, I think that all of us here on the Pentax discussion list who
refuse to switch over to the digital world should call ourselves the Pentax
Samurai, because we still believe in the old ways of true art and honor. If
you agree with me I think it would be AWESOME if you put Pentax Samurai at
the bottom of your emails as a signature.

Just a thought.

Rebekah, I want some of what you're drinking darlin'.

Cheers, Cotty

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