It helps to live near the Arctic circle.

frank theriault wrote:

Geez, I remember the good old days, when within hours or less of PUG
coming out, there'd be comments all over the place.  Actually, it was
minutes - maybe even seconds after PUG came out!

Okay, okay, a bit of hyperbole to make a point...

But, other than a few wel-deserved kudos to the lovely Adelheid, nary
a comment to be seen, after several hours of being PUGged.  My, how
times change!  <g>

Well, I'm not going to make a comment on any individual photos, but I
would like to point out an interesting observation (interesting to me,

A quick scan of thumbs shows that three Canadians submitted this
month, Fred W., Martin M. and me.  We all featured winter snow in our

There were two other photos with a bit of snow in them, but one was
spring, the other autumn.

So, 100% of Canadians posted snow pix, and 100% of winter snow pix
from Canadians.  More than a co-incidence?

that's all,

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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