Thanks for the comments Shel.
I've worked to pick the 20 or so best pictures from the day.
The snow made it picturesque.
Perhaps I'll get them posted somewhere this week.

The start line photo has some tension to it.  It was on film so the
'decisive moment' didn't have to work thru digital shutter lag.

The guys with feet off the ground were friends sprinting at the
finish. It involved a bit of luck as it was the 2nd shot of
them...waiting for the digital to recycle.  A *ist DS would be better.

Regards,  Bob S,

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:02:02 -0800, Shel Belinkoff
> Hi Bob ...
> I've been meaning to get back to you on these for a bit but have been
> preoccupied with a few things.  Don't take it personally - I just replied
> to on of Rob Studdert's emails that he sent a couple of weeks ago.
> It's nice to see your pics here.  You don't post enuf.
> I like the one showing everyone lined up at the starting line.  There's
> something about it that reminds me of one of HC-B's photos even though it's
> nothing at all like it.  Still, there's a certain feel to it that come
> across very strongly.  Perhaps the framing or cropping can be tightened a
> bit.
> The other one I like is of the finish line, where the guy is running and
> his feet are off the ground completely.  When I saw that pic I grinned,
> thinking of Eadweard Muybridge's photo of the horse running at Leland
> Stanford's farm in the late 1870's.
> Let's see some more of your work ;-))
> Shel
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Bob Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Here are 4 shots from the Bonfield Express race.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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