Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> Here's a suggestion for those posting URL's to which they want to send
> people:  how about including some information in the message that provides
> some idea about what's to be found.  For example, Ann, you could have
> mentioned the name of the book or the author and asked if the spelling was
> correct as well as including the URL.  Might save some folks some time and
> $$.  I'm not picking on you specifically ... this has been a sore point for
> me for some time: someone posts a URL with the comment "interesting." and
> that's it.  So folks, how's about fleshing out these messages with links in
> them with a little more info?
> Shel

Normally I would agree, Shel -- I sort of wanted a reaction to the listing
if I clued every one, I wouldn't get.  I did say it was a book -
Why would it save anyone $$ though?  I'm not being a spoiler for anyone's
great find - and it doesn't cost anyone anything to look.

The only thing I mind is when people have a link to a sight that moves or has
music on it
without warning - or something that takes ten hours to download.

I'll add, though, that it is a book of artwork that I have listed starting at
$5.50 US and
that there had been only one hit on it prior to my asking you guys to look.


> > [Original Message]
> > From: Ann Sanfedele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Look, this isn't a photo book, but it is by
> > someone whose photo sense is legend, of course.
> > I can't understand why I'm not even getting any
> > hits on it... its so lovely.
> >
> > Would some of you  just go take a look so it won't
> > be so lonesome?
> >
> > Maybe I should misspell the last name of the
> > author...
> >
> >
> d=1
> >
> > of course, right now the andale counters seem to
> > be off all over the place
> >
> >
> > annsan

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