I don't have the *istDS, I have the *istD. I haven't physically used a Nikon or Canon, so I can't draw a conclusion. What I believe however is this:

1. I'm not unsatisfied with the *ist D. I'm very happy with it. I don't expect a camera to exceed it's design or any other design.

2. Much of what I read in reviews is a splitting of hairs. Reviewers and consequently consumers spend loads of time being concerned about parameters and performance that matter little in the real day-to-day world of actually using the product. When they do matter it's probably in a rare exceptional shooting situation, rather than the rule. Often a negative is offset by a positive in some other area and vice-versa.

3. With an investent in Pentax lenses, it doesn't really matter what a reviews says or how much a reviewer says one product is better than another... I'm don't have the money to dump my current system and start over, or invest in two systems.

That's my $.02.

Tom C.

From: Jon Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: *istDS Review on photo.shopping.com
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 19:05:30 +0100


I read the above "user" review, and was a bit surprised at the comments on lag and slowness. From other things I have read about the *istDS, it is not so bad as this guy makes it sound. Does it feel as slow as this guy makes it sound? I wonder if the name biased him? (looking for an excuse to buy Nikon?) Now, I know that spec-wise and performance-wise (speed), the Nikon is better, but I didn't expect the Canon to out perform the Pentax, at least in a noticeable way. It's going to be a few months before I can get my hands on these beasts, but I'm dying to know. :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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