Now I really hate you...

William Robb wrote:

Good score tonight.
A girl I work with has a bunch of darkroom stuff that belonged to a friend's grandmother that she wants to unload.
A lot of the stuff was deja vu all over agian, with stuff that I hadn't seen in over 3 decades, however there were some interesting items.
A whole stack of 300x300mm acetate filters, ranging from 10R, G, B up to 40 R, G, B.
No Idea what the old girl bought them for, I suspect neither did she, as only one has been opened.
I'm thinking they might be funky for making pretty coloured backgrounds in the studio.
She has a slide duplicator with a Honewell Repronar camera body. It looks like a black Spotmatic with a waist level finder, and is my excuse for not labelling this post off topic.
I am pretty sure the duplicator is a Honeywell.
The shutter is stuck on the camera. I tried to fire it an it opened and parly closed.
It looks to have one shutter speed + B.
Other than the stuck shutter, it looks good, the camera is cosmetically close to mint.
Lots of trays and the like, stuff that I will give a home to, though probably use for starting my bedding plants in.
A large hot air RC print dryer, looks like it will do a 20 inch wide print.
And, the most amazing find is a 1970s issue (the baby blue series) Beseler 45 enlarger with both a condensor head and (get this!!) a dichroic head with a PM-2 anylizer and a blower, I presume for cooling thr head.
She also has an item which looks way too cool for words (JCO eat your heart out), a Beseler 4x5 negaflat carrier.
The stuff is absolutely cherry. Looks brand new.

She's talking a couple of hundred dollars for the whole lot!!!!!
I almost peed myself.
Anyway, I pick it all up on Sunday.
Now I just have to clear out a space in the basement to store it all until I build me new darkroom.....

Sorry Tom, I think the 4x5 will have to wait.

William Robb

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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