You might want to look at AdsGone

Blocks lots of stuff for me. It occasionally lets something through but their is a way to make it know to block that next time. I also use the two programs you mentioned to clean up the stuff it misses by running them about once a month.

graywolf "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof" -----------------------------------

                Sorry for the repeat OT.Looking for a little more guidance here.

So i downloaded Ad Aware and it found a bunch of stuff which i quarintined. I then
downloaded Spybot,it found a bunch more but quits 1/2 way through the removal part.

Friday my shortcut to my internet connection would not work,so i had to make a new one(yup
i know how to do and when i brought up my IE 6 i had lost all my history and popups
came in faster than i could close them. Its a nightmare i have never had to go through before on this
I checked and my conection is armed for MS firewall,but still getting through.
Loaded Googles popup tool,but it does not stop them just puts them in the bottom tool
bar,but it really slows the connections down,which i'm sure you all know.

I'm on XP home,clone PC, still running original SP but have ordered the SP 2 
from MS.

Anything i should be adding for security here. I have run virus scan(Norton)and am up to
date. I have DLed several of the newer removal tools and nothing has been found.

I'm going nuts here.

Any help is app.


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