I didn't say it was better, just my take on
it, I didn't like the crop on the original though,
It seems out of balance to me with all that empty
sky on the left. The postion of the sign is not
paramount in my opinion, the overall balance of
the images is...

regarding perspective, neither version is going to look
natural, the only way to have done that was to 
keep the lens and film parallel to the signs and
that wasn't done of course. To my eye, the building
on the right looks much better in the altered version,
there's way too much convergence in the original imho... 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: PESO: Classic Movie House

Nice work, but I can't say that I like the result. The perspective on
the marquee appears artificial to my eye. The shot is obviously taken
from street level, so the side of the marquee should form a trapezoid. I
prefer the original crop as well, with the sign in the right third of
the frame.

> hi,
> I took the liberty of altering this shot with a bunch
> of stuff like perspective, desaturating the marquee,
> bringing up the underside of the marquee, cropping,
> etc. Makes for an interesting comparison....
> I noticed the two signs are not at true right angles, didn't take the 
> time to try to alter that too, way too much work...
> http://jcoconnell.com/temp/temp120504.jpg
> the altered photo is shown above is for critique purposes only and 
> will be delete shortly of course. I don't steal photos!
> Later,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 11:23 AM
> Subject: PESO: Classic Movie House
> I used the PhotoShop 81 warming filter on this after processing the
> RAW. I probably could have achieved exactly the same result by turning

> up the temperature in the RAW converter, but the need for a warmer
> was an afterthought. The photo was taken just before sunset but the 
> sign was in the shade.
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2934923

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