
JB> A few days ago I inquired about a 39mm to 42mm adapter because I
JB> wanted to try an old Industar Zenit lens in the ist D. Well, Shel
JB> loaned me his, so behold this anachronism, the black tape special
JB> edition soviet * ist D:

JB> http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/1990444/
JB> http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/1990443/
JB> http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/1990442/

JB> As seen in the first image, the serial number of the Industar starts
JB> in 59, which means 1959. Has anyone mounted older lenses on their
JB> digital cameras?

JB> Anyway, as it is, the lens doesn't seem to focus to infinity, even
JB> though it should (it is an SLR lens, and there are adapters for M42
JB> made to be used with it). It makes for a nice portrait lens though.

I have this lens in black color and M42 mount. Mine focuses just fine.
It is one fascinating lens, though I admit I did not shoot with it
much having M 50/1.4 and FA 50/1.7... May be it is my fault...

I am reconsidering...


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