On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 07:51:18 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Thanks anyway Frank.
> I really have a problem working with scanned images. Probably just going to 
> Paw from
> digital from now
> on.
> Dave

Oh, tish tosh, Dave!!

Have you looked at my scans lately?  Do you wonder why I work in B&W? 
It's one less thing ~not~ to worry about!!

I'm consistently dissatisfied with the amount of detail I can get from
my scans, especially when looking at the print - there's just so much
more there to see.

Have you read any of Shel's comments of my PAWs?  They almost all come
down to, "frank my boy, your scans look like crap!"  And, he's right.

Don't sweat it, Dave.  As Shel said somewhere else, keep it up -
you'll learn from it.  Or, you'll be like me, and keep doing the same
thing anyway <vbg>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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