Based on my experience in software development I'm not sure the actual value isn't the reverse...

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "mike wilson" Subject: Re: Photoshop CS Bargain Basement

John Francis wrote:

If an orchestra only gave one performance every three years (or if they
gave up public performances, and tried to survive solely on CD sales)
you'd be paying a lot more that $600 for a ticket or for that CD.

I get the impression that most of the larger, more famous orchestras get most of their income from recorded music sales. They do that by selling at low profit, high turnover.

Mike, are you presuming that yer basic orchestra (or even a very good one) has the same dollar value of input costs compared to a large crew of software engineers playing with really expensive computers?

William Robb

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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