I have the 14mm f/2.8 and I think it produces some great images. It focusses 
very close, and I have printed a couple of images of fungi at A3 showing the 
Fly agaric toadstool and it's environment.
I've also used it on my MZ-S as a test. It shows a cirular vignette with 
horrible distortion just inside the vignette if focussed at its minimum 
distance, but very little if focussed beyond 1 metre. I've even had a slide 
projected to 6' across at a camera club competition where the vignette suited 
the image, and it looked fine (the picture didn't do any good, but that wasn't 
down to the technical side).

I'm very happy with the lens. What did you find offensive about the pictures 
you saw?


-----Original Message-----
    From: "Shel Belinkoff"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: 09/12/04 16:21:58
    Subject: Lenses for the istd(s)
      I saw some pics posted that were made using the 14/28 lens, and they 
    awful.  Is anyone using this lens with good results, and can you put up a
    pic or two showing center and edge.  I don't need to see a complete photo,
    but nice, representative sections would be nice, preferably unmanipulated
    in PS or thru a RAW converter.  I realized yesterday that a PEF file can be
    saved, unmanipulated, as a TIF or a PSD file.
    Somoene here the other day ragged on the 16~45.  Has anyone good things to
    say about this optic?  Paul, were any of the PEF files you sent me made
    with this lens?
    What other good lenses are available for the istd series?

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