Thanks, Herb-
While I 'never' use a film with an ISO higher than
100, I am considering Grain Surgery based on this, and
other, recommendations.
Just remembered that the last time I used 200 ISO was
for a wedding in 1997.

--- Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i use Grain Surgery and Neat Image Pro (because it's
> a Photoshop plugin and 
> non-pro isn't) and of the two, i think Grain Surgery
> does a better job, but 
> it's enough harder to use that i always try Neat
> Image first. i reserve 
> Grain Surgery for matching grain or simulating a
> specific film. about the 
> only time i used them though was to reduce the grain
> on Provia 400F. as much 
> as i disliked the grain on my scans of Provia 100F
> and Velvia, i never found 
> the reduction enough while retaining the detail i
> saw with my 4000dpi scans. 
> i think that if i scanned at a lower resolution,
> both programs would have 
> worked better.
> Herb...
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Rob Studdert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Grain desolving programs
> > Grain Surgery seems highly regarded, it can
> remove, synthesize and match 
> > grain
> > patterns but I can't comment with any authority as
> I've not used it. I 
> > have
> > however used both NeatImage and NoiseNija, both
> are very effective, they 
> > rely
> > upon noise profiles which allows them to perform
> noise/grain reduction in
> > profiled media quite accurately.

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