On 17/12/04, Jerry in Houston, discombobulated, unleashed:

>A question I have been wanting to ask for a long
>time... how disabled friendly is GFM weekend.... I
>require a cane or a walker to get around.

Jerry, the site should be fairly good for both. The actual campsite
itself is lower down the hill, in a picnic area. The only facilities are
housed in a toilet block meant for day-trippers, so no showers or
anything. Hot and cold running women, er water in there, but that's it.
Entrance door is standard width, toilet entry is extra width. Some people
stay in motels nearby.

The camping/picnic area is separate from the Visitor Center / Habitat
area which is accessible realistically only by car. It is possible to
walk up the hill, but pedestrian access on the tarmac road is discouraged
(in fact forbidden) to keep people and cars away from each other, which
makes sense. Vehicular access up the hill to the Visitor Center / Habitat
area is easy, and a couple of minutes or so in drive time.

Once there, the entire visitor center is easily accessed with large
entries and all facilities on one level. Auditorium seating can be access
without descending steps. Food / toilets / shop ditto.

The animal habitats can be accessed on foot, and although no steps need
be traversed, some of the (tarmac) inclines are medium steep. There are a
smattering of bench seats sporadically placed to rest at. Good viewing of
the animals is offered, easily seen from viewing areas with handrails and
places to stop and lean against / rest a camera.

Driving further up the mountain to the top at the Mile High Swinging
Bridge, good views can be had from the car park and surrounds, but access
to the bridge area is by 50 steps, good handrails provided. Other vistas
can be accessed along the road to the top with parking areas and views.

This page will help:


Any other questions, ask Bill Owens or Doug Brewer or Mark Thompson
amongst others.

Although not disabled myself, I frequently work amongst disable folk and
like to think I'm in tune with their needs. I would think that access for
you at GFM would be good.

HTH and you should try and make it!


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