----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Pearson"
Subject: Cost to repair PC terminal on istD???

Does anyone know what the approximate cost to repair
the PC terminal on an istD runs?  I think I just fried
mine :(

What did you do, plug it into a wall socket?
I get a kick out of all the worrying about frying flash controllers in modern cameras.
They are actually pretty tough.
I habitually use 20 year old flash equipment, including an ancient (from the 1970s) Norman 2000WS box and cable set with my istD.
The Norman is particulary interesting, as it doesn't have a trasnsformer.
It flips 120 AC line current through a diode bridge a couple of times to get 480 volts DC, which is then fed into the capacitors.
If that puppy won't fry a PC socket, I think you would really have to abuse the camera to fry a flash controller.

Most likely, you have a busted PC cord.

I managed to damage the PC socket on my 6x7 one time, by actually ripping the guts out of it.
Even then, I was able to make the thing work by pushing the socket back into position and whacking it a couple of times with a hard object.

Good cameras aren't the frail old ladies that people seem to think they are.

William Robb

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