On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 07:54:47 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 Got one.
> :-)
> :-)
> :-)
> :-)
> I was a bit concerned when i first picked it up,as it is a bit smaller than 
> the PZ-1,which
> i find fits my
> hands very well,but as soon as i looked through the viewfinder,i was sold.
> Interface is not to bad.Layed out a bit different than the Nikons but i 
> fiqured out
> enought to do a few
> test shots in the house.The "ok" wheel is not a favorite right now. My fat 
> fingers kept
> pressing the
> wrong arrow,but i'll get used to that.
> 28-105 feels good on it to.:-)
> I see what you all mean about the CF card door. Bit of a pain,but i'll work 
> out something
> Now to read the manual<g>and sell more horse pictures. This wiped out that 
> account.LOL


Now we ~have~ to have a TOPDML, just so's you can show it off to those
turncoat Pentaxians, Dave C-S and Jeff!  Besides, we haven't had a
TOPDML since the summer.  Or was that the spring.  Geez, time to get
together, before jumping season starts again, and you're out of the
loop <g>.

BTW, congrats on the new tool (I was going to say "toy", but you
actually make money with your stuff).


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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