It was a bright, clear, and cool morning, so I took the new *istDS for a walk. 

It was clear, bright, and cold this morning--so I decided to take the new 
camera with me for a quick walk through town.  The whole story, properly 
formatted and whatnot, is on my livejournal:  
<>.  I attach a version below:

Fairfax Courthouse.  Pentax *istDS ISO200, Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6. 18mm,   
1/500th @ f/8.  I take a lot of pictures of the courthouse--it happens to be 
my favorite test subject.

I have to say that I've never really used a wide-angle lens before.  It's 
funny that I should be so intrigued by the wide end of this zoom, which is 
really more like 28mm in full-frame 35mm.  I've gotten so used to the 46 
degree angle of view of a 50mm lens on my film all of a sudden 
here's a lens that takes in 76 degrees, and I'm a bit disoriented by the 
whole experience.

Courthouse Door. Pentax *istDS ISO200, Pentax DA 18=55mm f/3.5-5.6.  18mm, 
1/124th @ f/8

I'm not a scientific tester, but here's a bit of detail from the last image.  
I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it all came out.  I had originally 
thought that I'd take a whole set of treebark pictures (after the style of 
the Pentax Lens Gallery but I was too cold and shivery. Time to get a real 
tripod and some fingerless wool gloves.  

Detail, cropped from actual pixels, resized for web.  Note cracks in the old 
paint, & the chain from which the light inside hangs

I expected a bit of distortion at the wide end, and got it, especially 

Barrel distortion?  1/19th @ f/8, 18mm

Flare performance was okay;  the supplied hood does a good job of keeping 
stray light off the front element.  However, I did decide to force some 
flare:  removing the hood and shooting against the light produced these 

Flare. 18mm; 1/350th @ f/8. The sun was just out of the frame, and the hood 
was off.  Green, six-bladed aperture ghost images and a bit of magenta cast.

Impression:  not a bad walkaround lens. Presently, this is my widest angle of 
view lens.  I have yet to try and see what sort of weirdness I'm able to get 
when I mount it onto the MX.  No aperture ring and some massive vignetting, I 
expect, but an 18mm f/3.5 has got to be worth a bit of fun.


"I need a camera to my eye
To my eye, reminding
Which lies I have been hiding
which echoes belong"
-Wilco, "Kamera"

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