On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 23:47:33 -0500, Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Have you hung out with good friends lately?
> 2. Anyone shooting at you?
> 3. Are you starving?
> 5. Could you come up with that 90mm if you really wanted it more than anything
> else?
> 4 and 6 did not seem like serious wishes.
> You can only control your own life, everyone else has to control their own.
> (been reading Zen again)
> So, here we have a guy who has what he wants and does not know it(grin).
> My Best Wishes to you Frank. And everyone else on the list too.

Yeah, the only real serious wish is that 90mm Leica, and if I really
really really wanted it, I suppose I could find a way.

I clearly don't want it that much...  <g>

Best wishes back at ya, Tom.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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