Graywolf wrote:
Interestingly enough chip sizes have gotten bigger and chip density has increased to the point where Itel, etc. are ready to start producing dual processors on a single chip. All of this stuff takes me back a few years when they were predicting that IC's were near the end of their development because they could not get smaller and they could not produce bigger chips. As usual the experts were wrong. You can not lose in the long run betting against the experts.

I think you're confusing experts with pundits. In the case of ICs, the experts said "we're going to run into some hard limits in the not-too-distant future if we continue to make ICs with our current technology". The pundits read this and wrote articles saying "we're going to run into some hard limits". The engineers read this and said "let's invent a new technology". And they're doing just that. Whether they succeed or not is another question. :-)


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