On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 14:49:04 +0100, Joakim Johansson
> I bought my self a Pentax MX for two days ago, and I took some test photos
> today. After a while the mirror jammed in locked-up position. This hasn't
> happened when I tested the camera in room temperature. But the weather was a
> little bit chilly (5 Celsius, 41,00 Fahrenheit) and windy today.
> I have read about this problem but I don't know if it's serious. Is easy to
> fix, what do you think? Or In other words, should I contact the seller and
> demand my money back?
> Thanks!

I bought an MX some years ago, and the mirror jammed up every 10
frames or so.  Turned out that a CLA fixed it up real nice.

I'm thinking that maybe the cooler temps make the lubricant more
viscous, so it jams up the shutter/mirror mechanism easier than at
room temp.

I'd guess CLA would fix her up (but I could be wrong).


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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