FA 50 f 2.8 macro is also 1:1.Both FA and D-FA have 8 elements in 7 groups, but this doesn't mean they're identical. There may be different sorts of optical glass used, for example.
Optical formulas of 100mm macros are also the same (9 elements in 8 groups).
Well, seems that I have to borrow both versions and make a real-life test someday.

BR, Margus

Thibs wrote:

No. The D-FA 50mm Macro is 1:1 AFAIK so it is NOT the same optic as FA Macro 50mm.


Alan Chan wrote:

--- William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good news. It tells me that Pentax is at least thinking in terms of full frame <digital>.

Or they just borrowed the FA optics and repackaged them into the more compact
plastic bodies?

Alan Chan

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