Like I said, it was a very poor neighborhood.  The doctor couldn't even
afford to sterilize his instruments.  In the morning he'd take 'em down to
YMCA steam room.   It was so poor that the women took in laundry and kept
it.  The art museum was a painted turtle. Our Baskin Robbins only had one
flavor. And it was a tough neighborhood as well. The most common form of
transportation was a stretcher.  The guys used to carry chewed off
shotguns.  When you made out your weekly budget you always included a few
dollars for mugging!Apartment rental ads read "Only a short run to the
subway."  There wasn't even a bank.  At Christmas the loan sharks gave out


> [Original Message]
> From: Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Oh, he didn't take them down to the shoe store?
> (This is one that will tell how old you are, for sure.)
> graywolf
> "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
> -----------------------------------
> Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> > I grew up in a very poor town, and the doctor was so poor he couldn't
> > afford a cat scan.  In fact, he couldn't even afford an x-ray machine. 
> > He'd hold his patients up to the light ...

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